Kotor 2 pc minimizing in cutscenes
Kotor 2 pc minimizing in cutscenes

kotor 2 pc minimizing in cutscenes

Jolee’s a grumpy, self-exiled Jedi who makes up for his lack of patience with a phenomenal sense of humor. While Bastila’s a young Jedi known for her immense Force powers and leadership skills, Jolee Bindo is fondly remembered for his colorful personality. So Jolee and Bastila both slot in with a way to sort of buff up the other Jedi.” “We needed a dedicated healer among the Jedi, just from a functional perspective,” Gouskos says. Players have been clamoring for stronger Jedi characters in Galaxy of Heroes for some time, so Bastila and Jolee presented Capital Games with a perfect opportunity to grant that wish. “For example, Bastila obviously has the battle meditation that’s such a core component of who she is in KotOR, so we knew we had to use that.” “It’s about taking the mental image that people have, and as much as we can derive from the source material, and trying to then put the feeling of those characters into the game,” says Gouskos. According to Gouskos, much of the credit for the new KotOR events goes to Senior Designer Sean Phelps, who spent a lot of time coming up with mechanics that would both serve longtime Galaxy players and welcome new ones with narrative flavor inspired by the original 2003 versions of the characters. Since the focus of Galaxy of Heroes is on classic turn-based combat, Knights of the Old Republic is a perfect match for its holotable arenas. “We started thinking about which characters from the Old Republic we really wanted to bring in, and the first natural choice for us was the companions, who you spend so much time with in the game.” Besides the Sith Lords from Knights of the Old Republic II, the droid HK-47 has also been a huge hit with Galaxy players. And so, for us, coming off the back of a movie, we’re always trying to introduce different parts of the Star Wars universe in equal measure,” Gouskos says. We’ve had a lot of positive reception around the release of Nihilus and the Sith Triumvirate. “On the team, we’re all fans of Knights of the Old Republic, and I think our players, in particular, are big fans.

kotor 2 pc minimizing in cutscenes

spoke with Carrie Gouskos, senior producer at Capital Games, along with BioWare General Manager Casey Hudson and Art Director Derek Watts, to relive some of their favorite KotOR memories and find out what we can expect from Bastila and her companions in Galaxy of Heroes.

kotor 2 pc minimizing in cutscenes

Players who dive into the new missions will also get to revisit familiar environments, including parts of the Taris Undercity and a Sith base inspired by the ones on Taris and Manaan.

kotor 2 pc minimizing in cutscenes

On July 12, Galaxy began launching in-game “marquee events” for fan-favorite characters like Bastila Shan, Jolee Bindo, T3-M4, Mission Vao, and the Wookiee Zaalbar, as well as the Sith fighter used by Darth Malak’s forces at the Battle of Rakata Prime. To celebrate KotOR’s 15th anniversary, Capital Games is bringing more beloved characters from the Old Republic to the wildly popular mobile RPG Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. The game quickly drew legions of fans, garnered widespread critical acclaim, and received numerous game-of-the-year awards for its superb writing and cinematic storytelling, including special accolades for best original character: the misanthropic assassin droid HK-47. Several months before the first Jedi character appeared in the Star Wars Galaxies MMO, Knights of the Old Republic became the first-ever role-playing video game to let players create their own Jedi character, learn the ways of the Force, and construct their own customizable lightsaber. Released for the original Xbox on July 15, 2003, Knights of the Old Republic (or simply KotOR, to many fans) was a landmark event in the history of Star Wars games. For many fans who play games, however, the role-playing game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic ranks especially high and carries much weight. Like the Jedi Order, every Star Wars fan has a collection of sacred texts.

Kotor 2 pc minimizing in cutscenes